Harty T Kelley LAc, MSAOM



Harty is a practitioner of Daoist healing arts, a qigong instructor, and a lifelong mystic and horse woman.

Growing up on a horse farm in rural New York, she spent her early adolescence searching for connection to the elemental forces of nature. Her interest in her own European pagan ancestry began in elementary school, but she did not find resonance and connection to Spirit until she began studying Buddhism and Yoga in her late teens. 

For more than twenty years she studied spiritual traditions from across the world, including astrology, divination, and all things magic and occult, moving to Egypt in 2007 to satisfy her longtime fascination with the mystery schools. 

In 2016 she started her masters degree in Acupuncture and East Asian medicine and was finally introduced to a system of working with indigenous elemental knowledge that made physical and applicable sense to her.

In 2017 Harty began studying the shamanic traditions of Daoism with Master Zhongxian Wu, where she was  introduced to indigenous Chinese rituals of reconnection with the cycles and wisdom of the earth through Qigong. Steeped in ancient nature wisdom, she learned how to connect to the unseen forces through these ancient practices of moving with the cycles of earth and sky.

  Harty’s mission is one of facilitating reconnection to our innate heart-consciousness: the timeless rhythm and pulse of the one shared heart that is readily felt through the cultivation of deep, embodied awareness of self as inseparable from the All-That-Is. 

  In the Daoist traditions, the Horse is the animal of the Heart. Under their guidance and wisdom we are led home to our bodies, our hearts and our oneness with the universe. 

www.horsecloudhealing.com | horsecloudhealing@gmail.com

Sean Pepers


At an early age, I found music to be a freedom for self-expression. Finding myself playing any instrument became my meditation on the present moment even though I didn't understand this during these early times. I could imagine myself in other worlds with the music I was creating. The greatest feeling would come when I was able to share these other "worlds" and mix them with friends who also created their "worlds" to form a unified whole.  Though over the years being misled by societal norms I developed a so-called "love/hate" relationship with music. Yet something inside me preserved the Joy I actually received from it. With time and experience, this has mysteriously inspired Creation and a transcendent Love for ALL of vibration itself. A deep realization of the potential and power of vibration shifted dramatically during a prolonged period of time with some of Earth's natural medicines. A deep Remembering had occurred. Gratitude and awe for the very existence of vibration itself is the ground I stand on with it Now. 

My journey to the didgeridoo is one over a span of years. A healing instrument so simple yet profound is for me very humbling. The didgeridoo is a space where a genuine self must be present. It has become an outlet for freedom of expression for Love of Life itself.

didgeridoo.eventbrite.com | seanpepers@gmail.com

Kat Gregory


Kat Gregory E-RYT , Ayurveda Health Counselor has studied and taught multiple styles of yoga, completed an intensive Ayurveda program, Naturalist School and herbal studies, this allows her to provide individually tailored classes based on extensive experience and the five elements that are the most beneficial, restorative, and fun for her students.  Kat identifies the best approach for the level and health of her students and provide the proper instruction based on her “look for the good ” assessment. Her goal is to convey a lasting love of yoga, the outdoors and wellbeing to her students so they can realize the lifelong mental and physical benefits of the practices of yoga, ayurveda, and herbalism.

Connect to learn more or book! | kathleengregory3@gmail.com

Katrina Hays


Katrina was born with horses stitched into her soul. She got her first horse at eight years old—an unbroken, 2-year-old Appaloosa filly named Tiki—and spent the next decade supporting her horse habit by working as a stable hand, groom, and head schooler at Morgan show barns in Northern California. She competed in English and Western Pleasure, equitation, trail, and vaulting classes, as well as three-day events, qualifying twice with two different horses for the Morgan Grand National Show.

The stitching loosened (but did not unravel) for 35 years, and during that time Katrina stopped working with horses and instead picked up undergraduate and graduate degrees in acting and writing, was a white-water river guide, an opera singer and actress, traveled widely, and landed on a career as a freelance writer and editor. She was a guest instructor in the MFA program in Creative Writing at Pacific Lutheran University, and has published widely in various literary journals.

In January of 2020, a book brought horses back into the fabric of Katrina’s life. Horses Never Lie by Mark Rashid allowed her to find a path back to horsehumanship. She started riding again, became a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner, and volunteers at Healing Reins, an equine-assisted therapy barn in Bend, Oregon. Katrina offers “Cultivate Rapport” classes to help humans help horses by means of mindful presence and Masterson Method Techniques, and has the great joy of leasing and working with Finney, a Welsh Cob/Thoroughbred of uncommon patience and wisdom.

www.vieaequinebodywork.com | katrina@viaequinebodywork.com

Ticia Nelson


Bio coming soon!